Thursday, 14 January 2010

News from the Orkney Schola

On 14 December, just before Orkney turned into Europe's largest outdoor ice rink for a month, ten singers gathered at St Magnus' kirk, Birsay to sing Compline, with a small 'congregation' of friends and family. We were made very welcome, and from where I was sitting, we made a lovely noise in what turned out to be a very good acoustic. It's possible we will be asked to sing there again in 2010.

On 2 January, we were saddened to learn of the death of Fr Ronald Walls, a learned and much-loved priest, in his ninetieth year. Father Ronnie had spent the last three years of a very active retirement serving the Catholic parish in Orkney. He had given the Orkney Schola much encouragement since its inception. Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine.

After two very successful beginners' courses at Appies Tea Rooms in Sandwick, I will be running a follow-up course at the same convivial venue, starting on Thursday week (21 January), running for six weeks and culminating in the singing of Vespers. For details, or to enrol, please call Pam Farmer (01856 841562).

For additional information, contact: Ben Whitworth, Cribbaquoy, Harray, Orkney KW17 2LQ, tel. (01856) 771677, email: ben at, blog:

Friday, 1 January 2010

2010 Calendar of Events

This post will be regularly updated - check back for updates!

Thursday 21 January
St Agnes, Virgin & Martyr
6.45pm, Solemn Vespers and Benediction

Thursday 11 February
Apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary
6.45pm, Solemn Vespers and Benediction

Saturday 20 March
A Passiontide Meditation
Talks, readings and chants, culminating in
First Vespers of Passion Sunday
9.30am - 4.30pm, St Mary's Parish Centre /
Café Camino, Broughton Street, Edinburgh
E-mail for further details

Thursday 25 March
Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
5.00pm, Solemn Vespers and Benediction (note change of time)

Thursday 1, Friday 2 and Saturday 3 April
Tenebræ for the Holy Triduum
10.00am, St Mary's RC Cathedral, Edinburgh

Thursday 13 May
Missa Cantata for the Ascension
6.15pm, St Andrew's Church, Belford Road, Ravelston, Edinburgh (more)

Thursday 24 June
Nativity of St John the Baptist
6.45pm, Solemn Vespers and Benediction
Celebrant: Fr Gerald Sharkey

Sunday 1 August 2010
Missa Cantata (Pentecost X)
11.30am, St Andrew's Church, Belford Road, Edinburgh

Sunday 8 August 2010
Missa Cantata (Pentecost XI)
11.30am, St Andrew's Church, Belford Road, Edinburgh

Saturday 7, 14, 21 August
Latin Choral Vespers
4.oopm, St Mary's Metropolitan Cathedral, Picardy Place, Edinburgh

The traditional service, with voices and instruments including plainsong and exquisite unaccompanied renaissance polyphony on 7th August; Solemn Pontifical Vespers including Praetorius’ Magnificat super Chorale melos Germanicum for two choirs, organ and brass on 14th; Pergolesi's Magnificat with voices and strings on 21st.

Sunday 8, 15, 22 and 29 August
Compline by Candlelight
9.00pm, St Mary's Metropolitan Cathedral, Broughton St, Edinburgh

Plainsong prayer at sunset reflecting the rich traditions within the Church. A serene period of quiet reflection.

Monday 10 August
Requiem Mass [OF]
7.00pm, St Mary's Metropolitan Cathedral, Broughton St, Edinburgh

Centenary of the birth of the late Cardinal Gordon Joseph Gray, our previous Archbishop

Saturday 30 October
Feast of the Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Solemn First Vespers and Benediction

Saturday 13 November
Vespers for the Dead
for Remembrance Sunday

Tuesday 16 November
Solemn Sung Mass for the Feast of St Margaret
7:30pm, St Mary's Metropolitan Cathedral, Picardy Place, Edinburgh

A chanted Mass [OF] in celebration of St Margaret, Secondary Patron of Scotland and Patroness of the Schola. This Mass will be sung primarily in English with Gregorian chants in Latin.

Saturday 18th December
First Vespers of the Fourth Sunday of Advent
4:15pm. - Solemn First Vespers and Benediction - O Adonai


All liturgies begin at 4:30pm at St Mary’s Cathedral, Broughton St, unless otherwise stated. Once new events are finalised, they will be added here. Bookmark this page!

Upcoming events - Spring 2010

Thursday 21 January 2010
St Agnes, Virgin & Martyr
Solemn Vespers and Benediction
St Mary's RC Cathedral, Edinburgh


Thursday 11 February 2010
Apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Solemn Vespers and Benediction
St Mary's RC Cathedral, Edinburgh


Thursday 25 March 2010
Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
, Solemn Vespers and Benediction (note change of time)
St Mary's RC Cathedral, Edinburgh


Thursday 1, Friday 2 and Saturday 3 April 2010
Tenebrae for the Holy Triduum
10.00am, St Mary's RC Cathedral, Edinburgh


All liturgies begin at 6:45pm at St Mary’s Cathedral, Broughton St, unless otherwise stated.