Thursday, 3 February 2011

2011 Calendar of Events

This post will be regularly updated - check back for updates!

Saturday 19 February
Septuagesima Sunday
Solemn First Vespers and Benediction

Saturday 19 March
Feast of St Joseph
Solemn Second Vespers and Benediction

Thursday 21st, Friday 22nd & Saturday 23rd April
Tenebrae for the Sacred Triduum
Solemn Sung Matins and Lauds
8am, St Mary's Cathedral

Thursday 23rd June
Solemnity of Corpus Christi
Solemn Second Vespers
5pm, St Mary's Cathedral

Saturday 2nd July
Solemn Vespers
5pm, St Andrew's Cathedral, Dundee

Thursday 21 July
St Lawrence of Brindisi
5pm, Solemn Vespers and Benediction

Friday 26 August
Couperin: Messe Pour les Paroisses
7.30pm, St Mary's Cathedral

François Couperin's masterly Messe pour les Paroisses (Mass for the Parishes), plainchant settings of Mass movements for the organ, will receive a rare liturgical performance here on the cathedral organ, alternating with chants sung as part of the Mass by the Schola.

Saturdays, 6, 13 and 20 August
Latin Choral Vespers

Sundays, 7, 14, 21 and 28 August
9pm, Compline by Candlelight


All liturgies begin at 4:00pm at St Mary’s Cathedral, Broughton St, unless otherwise stated. Once new events are finalised, they will be added here. Bookmark this page!

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